The 20 – 26 November 2023 is National Asbestos Awareness Week (NAAW 2023).

Did you know that it has been 20 years since Australia completely banned asbestos? NAAW 2023 is shining a spotlight on the progress made post-ban and shedding light on the fact that a significant amount of ageing asbestos-containing materials still lingers in our environment. The safe removal of this remaining asbestos is essential to maintain a secure environment for both our surroundings and the people living in it. NAAW aims to highlight the effects of asbestos and encourage people to continue to prioritise its removal.

What is asbestos?

Asbestos, a naturally occurring heat-resistant mineral, poses significant health risks, including cancer, upon exposure. Due to its ability to withstand high temperatures, asbestos was widely used in Australia as an effective insulator and in various building products. Examples of asbestos-containing materials range from flat and corrugated sheeting to cement pipes, insulation, floor tiles, adhesives, roofing, automobile parts, textiles, and textured paints.

Despite the national ban on asbestos, its importation, and products containing it in 2003, the journey to eliminate its presence in the country and mitigate its effects continues even two decades later. The persistence of asbestos underscores the ongoing efforts required to safeguard public health and create asbestos-free environments across the nation.

How do you know if a product contains asbestos?

Identifying asbestos in a product isn’t as simple as just looking at it. If your property underwent construction or renovations before 1990, chances are it contains materials with asbestos. In the past, workplaces in buildings were required to maintain an asbestos register, listing all identified or assumed asbestos on the premises. It’s a good practice to consult this register before starting any building work.

As long as materials containing asbestos remain undisturbed and in good condition, the risk to our health is low. However, the moment you embark on renovations, even minor ones, you’re potentially putting everyone at risk. If you’re uncertain, the golden rule is to err on the side of caution and don’t take a chance. When in doubt about whether something may contain asbestos, it’s always best to have it checked out by a registered lab. Taking this precautionary step ensures the safety of everyone involved. Once confirmed, you can organise for asbestos removal.

Austrans can assist in managing your asbestos

In adherence to legal requirements, it’s often necessary to enlist the services of licensed asbestos removalists for the safe extraction of asbestos from workplaces. At Austrans, our commitment extends beyond mere compliance with regulations as we also prioritise the well-being of both the environment and the individuals within it. Our skilled team is here to help!

As part of our extensive range of services, we are pleased to offer professional class B asbestos removal. This not only ensures compliance with regulations but also contributes to creating a safer and healthier environment for all. Your safety and the well-being of our surroundings are at the core of our mission at Austrans.

Worried about asbestos?

Give us a call today!

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